Monday, June 7, 2010

the end is near

Tonight I will finalize your 4th quarter grades. If you see anything that does not look right to you, EMAIL ME TONIGHT, or see me in class tomorrow.

Taylor, two words: maple syrup.

You will have one final homework assignment, due Wednesday, June 9 at 11:59 PM. Here it is.

In your final blog posting, tell me about this class. What worked for you and what didn't work; what you liked or didn't like; what I can do to improve the class. I hope this class was a learning experience for you, and I want to continue to improve the course, and improve myself as a teacher, so I definitely welcome your honest and candid feedback. Please tell me what I need to hear, not just what I want to hear. Thanks for taking the time to do this last assignment.

I enjoyed the time we spent together this year, and I hope you did, too. I'm looking forward to seeing many of you in TV Production class next year, and hopefully even more of you will take TV in your junior of senior year.

Good luck on exams, and have a great summer!

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