Friday, March 26, 2010

writing assignment

Tiberius Gracchus was a defender of the rights of Rome's plebeians. Yet, even after becoming tribune of the people, he had great difficulty achieving his goals. If you could give Tiberius Gracchus some advice, what would you tell him?

Many Romans were talented speakers, and they were very good at leading others. In a formal paper of 400-500 words, persuade Tiberius Gracchus to follow your lead. Or, you may choose to defend his actions if you think he had the most effective plan.

A strong paper will show your understanding of the conflicts between plebeians and patricians, the political structure of the republic, and the relationship between Tiberius and the Senators.

Post your essay to your blog before 8:00 AM, Tuesday, March 30. It's worth 100 points.

1 comment:

  1. Can we write the essay, as if we were directly writing to him?
