Saturday, March 6, 2010

how to create and post digital flashcards

Just click here and watch a presentation on the mechanics of creating and posting digital flashcards.

If you prefer, here is the link:

There is more information on what to include in your digital flashcards, plus some examples, on Thursday's blog.


Sections 01 & 05: post five more flashcards. You may choose from the following:
  • Pericles
  • Parthenon
  • Aspasia
  • Battle of Salamis
  • Age of Pericles
  • Delian League
  • War between Athens and Sparta (began in 431 BC)
Section 03: make six flashcards. Choose from the following:
  • Important figures such as Cleisthenes, Pheidippides, Themistocles, Darius, and Xerxes.
  • Important concepts like aristocracy and democracy.
  • Key terms including hoplite and the trireme.
  • Key locations like Athens, Sparta, Marathon, and the Persian Empire, as they pertain to the 400s and 500s BC.

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