Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Crucible of Civilization

Today all three sections began watching a great PBS video on the Ancient Greeks. We're going to use this to tie in all of the information YOU provided to your classes when you did your Webquests.

We began in 508 BC: the first time in recorded history that people turned on their rulers and seized power for themselves.

  • Important figures (so far) are Cleisthenes, Pheidippides, Themistocles, Darius, and Xerxes.
  • Important concepts are aristocracy and, of course, democracy.
  • Key terms include hoplites and the trireme.
  • Key locations would be Athens, Sparta, Marathon, and the Persian Empire (pictured above).

We left off just as a Persian army rumored at 2,000,000 was bearing down on Athens.

What's next?!

Find out tomorrow in class...

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