Thursday, February 4, 2010

quiz on ancient Egypt tomorrow

Whatever the weather, whatever the schedule, if we have class tomorrow, we have a quiz tomorrow. If we don't have school tomorrow we will have the quiz on the day we return. Please check my blog over the weekend for updates.

As promised, I have posted the Prezi on ancient Egypt here.

If you you are visiting for the first time, the right side of the prezi home page has a sign up box. Click it.

On the next page, scroll down and the left side of the screen has a Student/Teachers Licenses box. Click Go. This option is free.

Our presentation is found at

At the bottom of the screen is a large play button. Use it to advance your way through the presentation, just like we did in class.

Even if you are unable to open the Prezi, I am confident that if you have been paying attention in class, and if you were conscientious about taking notes this week, you will be prepared for tomorrow's quiz.

I will be checking my email tonight if you have any last minute questions.

Good luck, and we'll see you tomorrow...probably!

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