Friday, February 19, 2010

NOW what?!?

Unbelievably, school has been cancelled again, this time due to a break in our water main. (The JC Patriot has excellent coverage of this breaking story here.)

The webquest on ancient Greece that you are all working on is now due Wednesday, February 24. This is the due date for all sections.

The good news? You now have a three day weekend to work on this project. You can collaborate with each other as I described in my last couple blog postings, and have more down time with which to do a good job.

The bad news? Some of you will see this three-day weekend as an opportunity to skip all your school work. I don't recommend you do that, because I do not believe you can do a good job on this project (worth half of the unit's points) if you wait until Monday or Tuesday to start.

It's your project, it's your grade, it's your responsibility.

Questions or concerns? Use the comments below, or email me. See you next week!

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