Friday, February 5, 2010

Snowmageddon approaches

Only Sections 03 and 05 were able to take the quiz today because we dismissed early for the coming snowstorm. Section 01 will take their test the day we return to school - whenever that is - so be ready!

Want to earn some extra credit, and have fun in the snow? Here's the offer: make a snow pyramid bigger than you. Take your picture next to it, and post it to your blog. You, and any of my students who help you, will receive 10 extra credit points. Get your picture in a local paper, or get a TV station to cover you, and receive 25 EC points. (It would probably have to be pretty epic for that to happen, but give it a shot!) It can be a Giza-style pyramid, or a ziggurat-style step pyramid. If you are feeling really creative, you can even make a Sphinx! I can tell you this: this is a perfect snow for building/sculpting - wet and sticky.

Check in on my blog from time to time this weekend, especially if our schedule changes next week. Feel free to make comments, too. Hopefully, some of you will make some incredible pyramids and we can all feel like Egyptians - only colder.


  1. Mr. Schick if i got wjz to put my picture in a slide show on their website would that still count?

  2. That would be fantastic! Hope you make it!
