Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Epic snow - another day off

I hope you're doing something besides shoveling all this snow. You could go sledding (like my family did), or you could build a snow pyramid (like Kailey and Katelyn did).

I know we're not in school today (and who knows when we'll be back), but there is still work to be done as we begin our unit on ancient Greece.

Assignment: read the section on the Olympics found here, entitled The Olympics: Ancient versus Modern. It appears on the BBC History site that is listed to the right under Researching History. After you've read it, find a picture of the ancient Olympics and post it on your blog.

BTW, Kailey's photo can be found in tomorrow's Aegis and on WBAL-TV's website. In addition, Katelyn got her snow pyramid (and Sphinx!) published on WJZ's site. Nice work!

Reminder: Section 01, plus any students who were absent on Friday, will be taking the test on ancient Egypt on the day we return to school. So be ready!


  1. My pyramid is almost done!! I'll post the picture soon :)

  2. I posted my picture of the Olympics already and my pyramid pic so check out my blog when you can! =)
