Monday, May 3, 2010

moving on...

...from the Roman Empire to the Middle Ages.

(It's Monday, so only Section 03 meets today.)

First, an in-class review of Friday's test.

Then, a brief intro to the Middle Ages.

Tonight's HW involves some reading and some writing.

Read the first few sections in the entry on the Middle Ages on Wikipedia (found here).

That would include the intro, Etymology and Periodization, and Origins: The later Roman Empire.

In your blog posting tonight, in addition to any other notes you might take, answer these questions:
  • Some historians divide history into three periods. What are these periods?
  • When were the Middle Ages?
  • What kind of art was popular at this time?
  • What event signifies the beginning of the Middle Ages?
  • What event signifies the end of the Middle Ages?
  • Who was the last emperor of the Western Roman Empire?

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