Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Middle-Aged? No, Middle Ages

In class, Sections 01 and 05 reviewed the test on Rome from last Friday. They also joined Section 03 in taking a non-binding pre-chapter quiz on the Middle Ages. The real deal will be next Friday, May 14.

03 did some chillaxin.

Tonight's HW for 01 & 05:

Read the first few sections in the entry on the Middle Ages on Wikipedia (found here).

That would include the intro, Etymology and Periodization, and Origins: The later Roman Empire.

In your blog posting tonight, in addition to any other notes you might take, answer these questions:
  • Some historians divide history into three periods. What are these periods?
  • When were the Middle Ages?
  • What kind of art was popular at this time?
  • What event signifies the beginning of the Middle Ages?
  • What event signifies the end of the Middle Ages?
  • Who was the last emperor of the Western Roman Empire?

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