Thursday, April 22, 2010


So now that everybody is working on the magazine assignment, here are the guidelines.
  • use Microsoft Publisher
  • start with Blank Page Sizes, then choose Letter (Portrait) 8.5 X 11"
  • your finished article will be one full page, including images
  • all writing must be original
  • give yourself a byline (Diocletian's Savage Rule by Chris Jones)
  • use at least two sources (no Wikipedia)
  • cite your sources in their own text box
  • only use images found in Wikimedia Commons
  • save, save, save your work
  • when you're completely finished, choose Publish as PDF or XPS, then Save as Type: PDF
  • after you've published, attach it to an email, and send it to me at
  • email must be received by me before 8AM, Tuesday, April 27
Please see me with any questions. See me or email me if you were absent and did not get a topic.


Many thanks for supporting Henry and Jay in the PBS Video Contest. Two days ago they were in fifth place, over 25o votes behind. Now they're in third, only 23 votes behind! You can vote once a day, every day, up to and including this Sunday, right here:

1 comment:

  1. hey Mr. Schick just wanted to tell you the students of yours are now in 1st place with 507 votes.
