Thursday, March 4, 2010

digital flashcards

What you see above are some examples of digital flashcards. Most of you have used traditional flashcards - an index card with a subject on one side and a description of the term on the other side. But as with many things digital, we are now able to greatly improve on this concept. We are not limited to words written on paper; we can include pictures, links, and video. In class today we looked at these examples and learned how to make our own flashcards using Google Docs. We also learned how to post these flashcards onto our blogs.

For homework tonight, make 6 more flashcards based on the video Crucible of Civilization:

  • Important figures such as Cleisthenes, Pheidippides, Themistocles, Darius, and Xerxes.
  • Important concepts like aristocracy and democracy.
  • Key terms including hoplite and the trireme.
  • Key locations like Athens, Sparta, Marathon, and the Persian Empire, as they pertain to the 400s and 500s BC.

  • Please refer to my flashcards for further guidance.

    This assignment only pertains to Sections 01 and 05.
    Section 03 will be introduced to digital flashcards tomorrow.


    1. how do you post them on your blog again?

    2. When you have finished your flashcards, find "Share" on the upper right side of your screen and drop down to "publish/embed."

      Then click "Publish document."

      Now see where it says "Copy the code below and paste it into the HTML of any website or blog"? There's a window below that with two or three lines of code. Copy the whole thing.

      Paste it into the window you use to create a new post. Hit "Publish Post."

      Hit "View Blog," and it should be on your blog in all its glory.

      Good luck, and let me know if you have any problems.
