Thursday, June 10, 2010

halftime report

(I don't know if any of you are even reading this blog anymore, but I'm posting this anyway...)

I've graded the OBJECTIVE part of the test, and have some preliminary results.

Remember, this is for the SCANTRON part of the test only, which is 50% of your exam grade. I will grade your essays this weekend.

Average score (all sections): 77.8%

A - 2 (Congratulations Summer and Kailey!)
B - 28
C - 12
D - 10
F - 8

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

How the test breaks down

Egypt: questions 1 - 10
Greece: 11 - 31
Rome: 32 - 56
Middle Ages: 56 - 74
Martin Luther: 75 - 89
Renaissance: 90 - 100

Reminder: 50% of your exam grade comes from the 100 objective questions; 50% comes from the three essay responses.

Prepare wisely!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

thank you

What a fantastic ending to a terrific year! Many many thanks to everyone who brought in food or toasters. This has been my favorite year of all at John Carroll, and you freshies are a big reason for that. You have a couple more days before our test, so if you have questions, email me or hunt me down in school. And don't forget about the last assignment - I'm really looking forward to your feedback.

If any of you got some good photos of us nailing our 95 Theses to Mr. Barker's door, or if you got good shots of today's feast, please email them to me at . Thanks again!

the last assignment, our last class

All classes will meet today, and this will be your best opportunity to ask questions about the exam, to clear up any possible discrepancies about your grade, and to enjoy our last class together.

Also, please note the directions for the final assignment, repeated from yesterday's blog:

In your final blog posting, tell me about this class. What worked for you and what didn't work; what you liked or didn't like; what I can do to improve the class. I hope this class was a learning experience for you, and I want to continue to improve the course, and improve myself as a teacher, so I definitely welcome your honest and candid feedback. Please tell me what I need to hear, not just what I want to hear. Thanks for taking the time to do this last assignment.

This homework assignment is due Wednesday, June 9 at 11:59 PM.

Also note the addition of "essay questions" to the Semester Exam Docs.

Monday, June 7, 2010

visitors to our blog

Has anybody noticed that in addition to the 1600+ visits to this blog (mostly you guys, of course), we have also had visitors from Canada, Pakistan, France, Italy, Lebanon, and the United Arab Emirates? Click on the ClustrMap and check it out.

We're so global...

the end is near

Tonight I will finalize your 4th quarter grades. If you see anything that does not look right to you, EMAIL ME TONIGHT, or see me in class tomorrow.

Taylor, two words: maple syrup.

You will have one final homework assignment, due Wednesday, June 9 at 11:59 PM. Here it is.

In your final blog posting, tell me about this class. What worked for you and what didn't work; what you liked or didn't like; what I can do to improve the class. I hope this class was a learning experience for you, and I want to continue to improve the course, and improve myself as a teacher, so I definitely welcome your honest and candid feedback. Please tell me what I need to hear, not just what I want to hear. Thanks for taking the time to do this last assignment.

I enjoyed the time we spent together this year, and I hope you did, too. I'm looking forward to seeing many of you in TV Production class next year, and hopefully even more of you will take TV in your junior of senior year.

Good luck on exams, and have a great summer!

Sunday, June 6, 2010


As you may have noticed, I have added a few items to the Semester Exam Docs list. As you remember, I had a computer crash that wiped out a lot of the tests you took from me this semester, so I have posted some tests from years past (better than nothing!). You may notice that we did not go over all the material on these tests; however, most of it should look familiar to you. (If NONE of it looks familiar, then you are in trouble!) Combined with the fantastic notes you took this semester, these tests should help you out quite a bit.

Reminder... The test will cover:

Middle Ages
Reformation/Martin Luther

100 objective questions; 3 essay questions.